The Carducci Convergence

The Carducci Convergence is the first book of a new trilogy by Nicolas Olano. It follows the lives of a modern New York Mafia family after the surprising death of its patriarch Sal Carducci. Cousins Marco and Guido must first face life-threatening situations and confront incredibly powerful enemies before they can inherit their places in the extraordinary secret, high-tech world that was bequeathed to them by a man they did not really know. Becoming an ally with Marco – and then much more – is Sal’s widow, a beautiful Peruvian woman whose father runs the illicit drug production of three countries and rules an international conglomerate of billionaires with surprisingly altruistic purposes. Revealing an illicit glimpse into the lives of high-stakes money launderers who pitch against each other, the Catholic Church and the greatest financial institutions of the world; The Carducci Convergence challenges the very concepts of right and wrong.