Heart of the Story - Notes From A Reporter’s Free-Spirited Life

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From cub reporter at the Newport Daily News to intrepid columnist at The New York Times, Barbara Lloyd’s exciting career as a sportswriter followed a cinematic-like arc of drama, adrenaline, danger and romance. Covering competitive sailing and skiing for the Times—as well as writing an outdoor-gear column—Barbara had unparalleled access to the most illustrious sailors, skiers and mountaineers of her time, and to those captains of industry who funded and participated in their pursuits. As a woman in predominantly men’s worlds, Barbara “leaned in” far before the term became popular. She was fully engaged with her subjects and surroundings, which often led to her being in the wrong place at the right time, and writing a coveted front-page story on an impossible deadline. And all along the way she found love and adventure—with a Danish sea captain, a Montana lineman, a famed alpinist, and a fellow journalist. It was all part of getting to the heart of the story. Available on Amazon