A Word From Lou - Commentary, Observations,
and Advice for Law Students, Young Lawyers, Old Lawyers,
and Folks Who Like Reading Such Stuff

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A Word From Lou is a collection of entertaining columns written by Lou Scofield and originally published in The Association Press, a biannual publication of the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys. The ADTA is an organization made up of courtroom lawyers with law practices that involve civil cases, primarily on the defense side.A couple of decades ago Lou was given instructions to write the column and to “make it about practicing law . . . and sprinkle in some humor if you want.” So began these twice-yearly commentary, observation, and advice columns exposing the ADTA membership to the wandering mind (or, as he would say, stunning wisdom) of Lou Scofield. As is inevitable with such a thing, with the passage of time, and accumulation of enough articles, someone said, “Say, why don’t you pull them together into a book?” “Why not?” Lou asked himself. “It’s a lot easier than writing a real book.” So here it is.

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